hair color: white and black
hair length: mid-ear
eye color: left - black with white pupil, right - white with black pupil
skin color: dark brown
height: 5'11", 180 cm
piercings: 4 per ear
clothing: black mask covering lower half of face and neck, white blouselike shirt, high waisted black pants, black gloves, knee high black and white boots


alias: eclipse
age: 18
birthday: october 30th
pronouns: he/they
gender identity: demiboy
sexuality: pansexual
mbti: EStp
enneagram: 7w8
eclipse - ability to manipulate shadows while in light and light when in darkness
whip made of twisted strands of light and shadow
heir/articae member
causing trouble, lying*


they can come off as quiet and stoic at first, but this is very much not the case. he can be extremely outgoing, and loves to cause chaos. he's very against doing anything that restricts his freedom, due to their uptight family and the role they have to play.


as the son of the head of the company that runs the metropolitan police force, he was always forced into a proper, rule-abiding role. he always found it suffocating. when they were 16, they started sneaking out at night, using their ability to cause a bit of chaos under a secret identity. a few months later, he was approached by a rising villain organization - the articae - who asked if he wanted to join them. they said yes, and became an official member. however, they weren't able to escape their life completely, and still have to keep up appearances during the day.


ryi (boyfriend)
alice (friend)
cas (friend)
levi (friend)
ezra (friend)
akira (enemy?)


Alias: errorEclipse, eclipse
Alignment: chaotic evil
Variety: RPGs, fighting games, party games
Interactions: known for getting people together to play party games/multiplayer games, which is how the whole gang meets
Facecam: sometimes